CYPMHC manifesto for babies, children and young people’s mental health: Campaigning assets
Our manifesto for babies, children and young people’s mental health outlines the changes needed to improve mental health outcomes and address enduring issues within the children’s mental health system. Our manifesto asks have consensus from across the mental health sector and would be the first step in ensuring that all babies, children, and young people grow up in a society that prioritises and protects their mental health and wellbeing.
We are calling political parties to:
- Commit at least an additional £1.7bn per year for Integrated Care Systems to deliver a comprehensive mental health pathway for all babies, children and young people aged 0-25.
- Embed whole educational approaches to mental health and wellbeing across all education settings.
- Increase the provision of early intervention support in the community through the national roll-out of early support hubs in every local area.
- Bring forward reform of the Mental Health Act 1983, to ensure that children and young people’s rights are protected and promoted, and that they receive high quality and compassionate care.
How can you help?
With a general election on the way, we want to make sure that all political parties make a strong commitment to the mental health of babies, children and young people. You can show your support and make sure that mental health is at the top of the political agenda in the following ways:
- Share our manifesto on social media using our assets in our social media pack and using the #CYPMHCManifesto2024.
Our social media pack includes suggested tweets, tweets for your MP, copy for LinkedIn and newsletters, and graphics.
- Tell your MP about our manifesto using our template email and ask them to show their support.
You can find out who your local MP is here. You can also use our parliamentary briefing to share our asks with your MP.
- Adopt our asks of political parties as part of your own manifesto commitments.