Coaltion’s response to the Public Accounts Committee inquiry report

“The Public Accounts Committee report rightly identifies some of the continued challenges faced by Government and services in achieving meaningful change for children and young people’s mental health. It is unacceptable that one in four young people with a diagnosable need have no one to turn to and when their needs are identified they face lengthy waits for treatment.

We particularly welcome the Committee’s recommendation that Government takes a cross-departmental and long-term approach to truly transform services and place prevention and early intervention at the heart of these initiatives. The Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition has long been calling for this.

The NHS Long Term Plan presents a crucial opportunity to improve the lives of our children and young people, but this can only be realised if delivered in a comprehensive and coordinated way.

Kadra Abdinasir, Strategic Lead, Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition


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Here is our written response to the Inquiry, which was followed by giving oral evidence to the Public Accounts Committee in October.