These are unique and strange times as we go back into a second lockdown.
We would like to use this space to share resources and information regarding Coronavirus, that could be helpful for children and young people’s mental health.
Further, we hope that our position in the sector – working with so many members – can come in useful at this time. The strength of our online connection in the sector should come in handy during these altered work patterns. We aim to keep these pages updated as the situation progresses.
These are uncertain times and can be stressful and isolating, so please look after yourselves and take care of each other.
Covid-19 and children and young people’s mental health: useful resources
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Advice for children and young people worried about the coronavirus.
My ways to cope
BBC Newsround
Has Information on the illness itself, and a range of stories connected to its impact for children and young people.
The positive stories to emerge
What is being done to tackle the virus
British Psychological Society
When your parent is a key worker
Adventures at home
Good Thinking
Digital Mental Wellbeing for London
Jack Cherry
Videos to help parents
Easy read guide to Coronavirus
Mental Health Foundation
Coping with coronavirus
School guidance for coping with coronavirus and disruption to learning
Mentally Health Schools
Resources to support the return to school
Free activities and resources
NSPCC Learning
Safeguarding and child protection information and resources
Supporting children and young people’s mental health
Transitioning back to school
Our Time
Lockdown Resource Hub
Returning to school
Playmobil video
Toymaker Playmobil has launched a video to help children understand and learn about the outbreak. “ROBert explains the coronavirus to children”
Rethink Mental illness online hub
A variety of resources for support for the self and others
Downloadable mental health resource sheets on how to promote positive mental health for young people can be found here.
Student Minds
Advice and support
The Mix
Information for young people, families and workers can be found here
YoungMinds advice on wellbeing when self-isolating
Young mental health activists have compiled a first-hand advice piece on looking after your mental health while self-isolating.
Supporting a child returning to school after lockdown
Winston’s Wish
Preparing children and young people to return to school